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Showing posts from September, 2022

What is the 80/20 diet plan? Is it really effective or just a fad diet?

The 80/20 diet plan is easy to follow, you have freedom to choose your food, and it is a balanced diet. If you are searching the web for the right diet for you to lose weight or increase your energy level or just to eat healthy you may have come across the 80/20 diet. We all know how hard to stick to your diet every single time this is the reason why 80/20 diet was created. It's very flexible and is very simple: Eat 80% healthy food and the 20% is for your happy meals or less healthy food that you love to eat. What are the 80% healthy food composed of? In the 80/20 rule diet meal plan, the 80% will be composed of green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains and beans. This will fill up the three-quarters (3/4) of your plate. One-quarter (1/2) of your plate will be meat or lean protein. Of course if for Vegans and Vegetarians you can use protein substitute for meat. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s federal diet guidelines , the best way for a healthy diet and ...

Stick It And Lose 17 Pounds! WonderPatch Weightloss Patch

Want to know the easiest method to lose weight? Just stick it on your skin and lose 17 pounds in 10 days. You get this shocking result by using a cutting-edge weight loss treatment developed by French scientists. The good part is how easy it is to use just stick the WonderPatch on your skin and it will start burning your fat. Surprising information about it is that it does not require any drastic diets or extreme exercise that will leave you grasping for air. Is this the future of weight loss? I hope it is. According to this article , there's a study done by the French Institute of Obesity and Health in which 5,000 people consist of overweight male and female subjects took part in the study. For the duration of one month they were treated with a special weight loss patch that were attached to their skin. The results were: - All of the increase the body's metabolic rate by 2 to 3 times after applying the weight loss patch: WonderPatch. - About 89% of the su...


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