Hydroxycut is one of the most well-known weight loss supplements in the world. According to their website their products are science-based effective weight loss supplements that is used by millions of people to help them lose weight. Hydroxycut is owned by a Canadian company Iovate Health Sciences Inc . under the brand MuscleTech . Active Ingredients Used for Weight loss The key weight loss driver that Hydroxycut is using is C. Canephora Robusta , a non-stimulant green coffee bean that has been scientifically researched. On their website they offered a scientific study about the effectiveness of C. Canephora Robusta for weight loss. According to the study, patients lost an average of 10.95 lbs. after taking Hydroxycut (C. canephora robusta) for 60 days while the placebo group only lost an average of 5.40 lbs. Both groups observed a low-calorie diet. Another study showed the group who took C. canephora robusta lost an average of 3.7 lbs. versus the placebo group, which lost 1.25 lbs. bo...